Brothers found a scavenger hunt item – a whale!
By Maggie Garrett
Here at Knox College, we’re already well into Spring Term, and the first few weeks have held plenty of excitement for the Delta Theta chapter!
To kick things off, we celebrated Goat Week, from March 27th through April 3rd, to prepare for the activation of our newest members! For those of you who may not know what Goat Weeks is, it’s a week of festivities and celebration, focusing on strengthening brotherhood leading up to the activation ceremony. Traditionally, a pair of seniors plan the week out with a theme. This year, Iris Berto, 1342, and I planned a spy theme with code-cracking, scavenger hunts, and secret identity contests.

Getting creative (and deceptive) with our secret identities.
Activation was held at the end of the week on April 3rd, and the new brothers were as excited to become full-fledged members as we were for them to join us.

Newly active knights!

A whole-chapter photo.
In preparation for upcoming elections, on April 5th, as the outgoing Commander, I held an informative session on how to transition new officers into their elected positions. We also held a discussion on where we succeeded in the past year and how we could have improved.
Getting creative with the continued restrictions on public social events, on April 8th Sigma Nu hosted Room Full of Balloons, which was, well…

The event also made history as the first Sigma Nu event where clean-up was as fun as the event itself!

On April 10th, elections were held, ushering in a new set of officers to lead Sigma Nu into the following year. Six people hold their first officer position and are already exhibiting incredible competence. Furthermore, significantly fewer officers are holding two positions simultaneously, reducing officer workloads and improving chapter function.
Many incoming officers have already held transition meetings with their outgoing counterparts, but officer transition will be an ongoing, active process for the rest of the term. The following year is looking up!
Maggie Garrett
Delta Theta 1345