About Knox College Delta Theta Chapter Alumni Association

Throughout our history, Delta Theta alumni have shared a commitment to the general fraternity mission:

To believe in the Life of Love,
to walk in the Way of Honor,
to serve in the Light of Truth —
This is the Life, the Way, and the Light of Sigma Nu.
This is the Creed of our Fraternity.


The Delta Theta Alumni Association works to preserve a close relationship between its more than 1,000 alumni.  The Association hosts events throughout the year for fraternal and professional development, as well as social events (in-person or on-line) to simply reconnect with fellow alumni.


Sigma Nu Delta Theta Chapter strives to better its members by encouraging them to succeed academically, teaching them valuable skills in finances and leadership, and forming life-long friendships between brothers. We also work to better our world by serving our community and maintaining a respectful culture.