by Jim Saranteas Δθ 1026 | Apr 25, 2022 | News
It is hard to believe Delta Theta alums have been Zooming for almost a year now. I was surprised to look back and see the first time we did a Zoom for Chapter Alums was in August 2021, and at that time, only some of my contemporaries attended. But by December’s...
by Jim Saranteas Δθ 1026 | Apr 21, 2022 | News
Brothers found a scavenger hunt item – a whale! By Maggie Garrett Here at Knox College, we’re already well into Spring Term, and the first few weeks have held plenty of excitement for the Delta Theta chapter! To kick things off, we celebrated Goat Week,...
by Jim Saranteas Δθ 1026 | Oct 8, 2021 | News
Hello. Welcome to the brand-new website for the Delta Theta chapter of Sigma Nu. It’s been amazing to collaborate with the alumni on this, and I look forward to more collaboration in the future. Here at Knox College, the brotherhood has adjusted well to pandemic...