The Delta Theta Chapter House Corporation of Sigma Nu Fraternity is pleased to announce that the Knox College Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity has a new home: 516 S. West Street.

Long Time Coming

After almost two years of negotiation with the college, House Corporation entered into a new lease agreement through June, 2030, that would move the Delta Theta Chapter into its new location. For one Delta Theta Alumni, familiar with the situation, “It has been a monumental undertaking to negotiate with the College since 2009 regarding lease renewals and potential expansion of the house or construction of a new house.” Since then, Knox College transitioned through three CFOs that negotiated the lease, until this most recent cycle with the college’s chief legal officer. The college has been through three college Presidents too.

Said Brother Eric Langston (ΔΘ 1187) who has headed up negotiations with Knox College since 2009, “Securing the lease for 516 S West Street provides the chapter with a house it can be proud of. The chapter will finally have a facility that will bolster its efforts.”

In 1965, Delta Theta moved into 151 S. West Street where it remained until the early 2000’s. Due to structural issues in the house, the Chapter moved into its current house at 556 S West Street in 2005.

556 S. West Street

516 S. West Street

As many Alumni know, the housing at 151 S. West Street was considered temporary as was the housing at 556 S West Street.

Said Brother Langston further: “I feel like I’ve finally delivered on a goal born during youthful optimism — to secure a “real” house for the chapter. After joining House Corporation, the dream of a new house had been bubbling long enough to become a stale, wistful lusting. Stories of ‘we’ve done that’ and ‘tried that’ kept getting in the way. The Sisyphean nature of getting a new house — a task that felt like it could never be completed — was accentuated by this intractable situation. We couldn’t build a house without a lead donor, we couldn’t get a lead donor without alumni engagement, and we couldn’t ever deliver a message other than ‘we’re working on fixing the house situation’ but not having anything to deliver.”

“We’ve had amazing leadership through all of House Corporation’s board members these past few years,” said Jim Saranteas (ΔΘ 1026), it’s current President. “It started with the recognition by the board — after a courageous alum spoke out that repeated talk of “new house” had fallen on def ears — that a new house was just not going to happen. It ended with a commitment to get the current Delta Theta Chapter into a new house which could host a high-quality fraternity like Sigma Nu.” On hearing the news, alumnus Brother Al Schmidt (ΔΘ 740) was ecstatic to hear it stating, “Through Eric’s hard work and persistence, it finally happened. Unbelievable.” Brother Don Gingold (ΔΘ 889) echoed Al’s sentiment. “Great job, Eric! And a great house! Until about 30 years ago, this was the Phi Delt house. They’ve been gone awhile and it’s great to have another fraternity using this residence built to be a fraternity house. Can’t wait to make it our own. Long time coming.”

Last, Langston commented, “Finally, the house ‘situation’ isn’t going to be a ‘situation’ anymore. The chapter and alumni can focus on other aspects of the brotherhood aside from its facilities.”

The “new house” is where Delta Theta Chapter will call home for the foreseeable future.