We have had a very successful year! In April, Delta Theta Chapter of Sigma Nu submitted its Pursuit of Excellence Plan (PEP) report to the National fraternity. Essentially, this is Sigma Nu’s way of checking in on the chapter so we can hold ourselves accountable as to our goals as a chapter. Delta Theta received positive marks, with several “Very Good” ratings and one “Excellent” rating, the highest possible rating. The Chapter is very close to achieving the coveted ‘Rock Chapter’ designation, an award given to the highest performing chapters based on the PEP ratings.


During the course of the past year, Delta Theta received several Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL). Last year’s Commander, Brother Connor Uplegger, received the FSL President of the Year Award, and our current Recruitment and Scholarship Chair, Brother Chris Andreou, received the FSL Emerging Leader Award. The Chapter was also awarded the Excellence Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


This term, Delta Theta is focused on gathering feedback from last year and working on implementing policy changes that can get the chapter ‘Rock Chapter’ designation. Brother Andreou is working on expanding the chapter’s scholarship program to maintain and even improve the chapter’s overall GPA. The House is also increasing its Community Support Program (CSP) opportunities as much as possible to remain a campus leader in service hours per member.


Last week, Delta Theta held its big fall term event, “Sigma Boo!” This Halloween party featured live music provided by a campus band. This year, the chapter hosted the band “Chicxulub.” Over 125 attendees came out and had a great time. Upcoming, Delta Theta has its annual Pumpkin Smash Bash community service event, where the house collects pumpkins and takes them to the campus farm to be composted. The regular Nerf Philanthropy Event, where we rent our Nerf guns to raise money for St. Jude, is on the schedule.


In conclusion, Delta Theta looks forward to RUSH for formal recruitment next term. Seven brother will be graduating this spring, just under half of the current active chapter of 17 total members. Delta Theta is also working on getting guest facilitators from the alumni and from campus to facilitate in the Chapter’s weekly LEAD sessions.


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