By Bruce Arfken



Delta Theta Sigma Nu is proud to announce this year’s recipient of the David Hartmann/Sigma Nu Endowed Scholarship: Mike Martinez. This is the third year the scholarship has been awarded to him. Mike is a Carl Sandburg College transfer student, originally from Galesburg, Illinois, and is majoring in Psychology with a minor in Education. Following graduation from Knox College, Mike plans to become a mental health counselor. Our congratulations to Mike and warm wishes for a successful future.


This year’s award is $9,222. This is the largest award to date, and brings the total amount awarded through the David Hartmann / Sigma Nu Endowed Scholarship over the past nine years to a little over $43,300. This speaks well for the impact the scholarship is having on deserving students.


The David Hartmann / Sigma Nu Endowed Scholarship was started in 2014, in memory of Sigma Nu, David Hartmann ’72 and his journey to overcome the effects of polio. He succeeded, and hopefully provides a path for others. It is awarded annually to a deserving student with a physical disability. Preference is given to a student with physical disabilities, and second preference is to a student who is a member of Sigma Nu. The scholarship continues to grow, due in part to the $19,000 in contributions it received over the past fiscal year.


Many thanks to all those who continue to help the scholarship grow. Unfortunately, the total is down from last year, as the investment returns Knox College received due to a down market were disappointing. Still the David Hartmann / Sigma Nu Endowed Scholarship remains the second largest fraternity or sorority sponsored scholarship at Knox College, and first among active chapters on campus.