By Connor Uplegger (Δθ 1352)


Last year, after the Spring Rush event, Delta Theta Chapter increased its membership by over 25 new members, bringing the active brother count down to nineteen in the fall. We were blessed to see 6 brothers graduate in June 2022.


Also, Delta Theta was honored with several awards at the spring Greek Life Awards ceremony. Delta Theta won an award for excellence in leadership and was recognized for having the highest GPA, yet again, among all Greek chapters at Knox College. From Nationals, Delta Theta Chapter was recognized for its Academic Excellence and for increasing its membership by 38%, among the highest in the country.


This fall quarter, 18 Sigma Nu brothers were involved on campus through their involvement in Knox College organizations. Two had leadership positions: Brother Lian Wang was Recruitment chair of the Interfraternity Council (IFC); Brother Lyn Schere was the Diversity and Inclusion chair of IFC.


Consistent with Delta Theta having historically been one of the more progressive chapters on campus, we are only one of the two chapters nationwide allowed by Sigma Nu National to welcome transgender brothers.


Socially this term, Delta Theta Chapter hosted several events both social and charitable. Sigma Nu ‘Sunrise’ remained the first party on campus, hosted by the Chapter. The week after Homecoming, the House hosted ‘Sigma Boo,’ the House’s annual Halloween Party, with a live-student band at the event.


Charitably, Sigma Nu collected recyclables for elementary aged students that they could then use for class projects. In addition, Delta Theta donated money to a local public library as a chapter. At its giving level to the fundraiser, a brick will be laid on the ground at the Library’s outdoor patio recognizing Delta Theta chapter’s contribution.


Watch Homecoming 2022 below.


House Corp. Chairman Aaron McEvoy opening remarks.

Commander Connor Uplegger introduces the Chapter.

Status of the physical house, house corp elections, introduction of brothers and alumni in attendance.

Q&A Part 1.

Q&A Part 2.

Al Schmidt, Class of ’68 w/ closing comments.