By Hayden Fay
Δ Θ 1356
This spring our Delta Theta Chapter of Sigma Nu hosted its first Knox
College homecoming since the pandemic started two years ago. Brothers
who had never experienced a Homecoming, and there were many, were
very excited.
While in ways, this one was a trial run for the upcoming fall Knox
Homecoming where we expect many more alums to return, it was a lovely
gathering of Sigma Nu’s, present and past. Alumni included Aaron McEvoy
Steve Spaide, Al Schmidt, Paul Crawford, and Jim Saranteas.
The Delta Theta Alumni were kind enough to cater Jimmy John’s
sandwiches for everyone to eat. We had so many sandwiches, it supplied
the entire house with snacks the following week after Homecoming. The
Delta Theta Alumni Chapter also brought everyone Sigma Nu cups and
pins, and even Knox College keychains to remember our time together!
Speeches were given by House President Connor Uplegger, House
Corporation President Aaron McEvoy, and Alum Al Schmidt. Connor and
Aaron updated everyone on the goings-on with the alumni and active
chapters, respectively. Highlights included that the active Sigma Nu
Chapter are 21 brothers and pledges strong. We were reminded by Brother
Al Schmidt we can all make a difference in Delta Theta Sigma Nu not only
as active brothers but as active Alumni.
Afterward, many of the alumni also shared their stories and tales of what it
was like to be a Sigma Nu during their generation. Brother Schmidt held
court for some of the active brothers and continued to story-tell as a former
“janitor” of the House and share his experiences at Knox College. Brother
Alum Saranteas commented, “great to see all the guys. They’re terrific.
Fun! They want us to be here. They want us to be together.”
The Delta Theta Alumni Housing Corporation also held elections, adding
two new members to the group, and filling 9 out of the 10 open positions.
The current House Corporation is made up of:
Aaron McEvoy
Eric Langstrom
Steve Spaide
Asif Ahmed
Mike Mokosiak
Jim Saranteas
Alex Enyart
Al Schmidt
Paul Crawford
We are excited to go forward with our growing active chapter and hope to
see many more Delta Theta Alumni in the fall when we host Homecoming
again October 21-23, 2022.
For my part, I enjoyed seeing everyone together at Knox College Spring
Homecoming and can’t believe we will get the bonus of reliving it so soon in
the fall.