Welcome to Galesburg

It was great to meet in person finally at the “May” Homecoming to celebrate the missed Homecomings from 2020 and 2021. The last two years have been difficult for many but presented opportunities for the brothers of Delta Theta and the Alumni Chapter.


The active Chapter is growing and has been very accommodating to all the Alumni and guests who returned. The Chapter is twenty-one brothers and pledges strong. Alum and the newest House Corporation Board member, Al Schmidt, have provided wonderful stories and memories. Knowing Al as the house’s once “janitor” was something to behold, ponder, and relish, given his dedication to making every homecoming but one since he graduated. Al reminded us we can all make a difference in Delta Theta Sigma Nu not only as active brothers but as active Alumni.


Overall, the House Corporation and Alumni Chapter are doing well. The bonds and brotherhood built over many decades remain steadfast. Still, Housing Corporation’s goal is to strengthen these relationships even more, given the modern technology that has emerged during the Covid Pandemic.


Brother Jim Saranteas started the once-a-month Zoom Happy Hours, and it has had solid attendance ever since. The next one is on June 9, so do not miss it. House Corporation meets once a month and has done so since Fall 2020.


Over the past two years, the biggest project has been developing and launching the new alumni website: KNOXSIGMANU.ORG. We will still utilize the Delta Theta Alumni page on Facebook. Still, the website allows us to connect with more people, including alumni brothers, current brothers, future brothers, parents, and students, past and present. Please check out the site and consider contributing to it with an article about your time at the house or a brother of yours who is deserving of special mention post-Knox.


The House Corporation also endeavored to renew the Chapter house lease with Knox College. Housing Corporation member Brother Eric Langston led this effort. Housing Corporation reviewed and unanimously approved it before its signing. This lease runs through midnight on June 30, 2025.

556 S. West Street, the active Chapter House

For those of you who have not been to the house at 556 S. West Street, the active Chapter completed the following projects over the past few years:

  • Expanded and improved first-floor bathroom;

  • Installed a new roof and flooring throughout the house;

  • Supplied ergonomic chairs for rooms, furniture and equipment for the TV/game room, and laundry machines for the utility area; and,

  • Made structural improvements and updates to the back stairwell.

While there was more, the most crucial part is that we are investing in the house and in the Actives’ experience and comfort. These projects could not have happened without the support and dedication from YOU, the Alumni Chapter of Delta Theta. A hearty and BIG “Thank You” to you.


While the brotherhood is what makes up the Brotherhood of Delta Theta Chapter, investments like these help with recruitment and retention. Despite the Covid Pandemic and the obstacles it created in active recruitment, House numbers grew from nine to twenty-one brothers and pledges for the upcoming 2023 school year.


A successful organization needs a plan. Housing Corporation has been working on a strategic plan to unveil it at this Fall’s Knox College 2022 Homecoming. If you would like to be a part of this strategic planning, please reach out to me or any of the other Housing Corporation members.

Knox College Alumni Hall

After the elections held at this May’s Homecoming, we are one House Corporation member short of the full complement of ten under our by-laws. But we could also use volunteers to head up committees like marketing, or events like an Annual Alumni Golf Outing and Annual Commander’s Dinner.

May’s Homecoming


The following are the current members of the Housing Corporation: Asif Ahmed, Paul Crawford, Alex Enyart, Eric Langston, Aaron McEvoy, Mike Mokosiak, Jim Saranteas, Al Schmidt, and Steve Spaide.


On behalf of myself and the entire Housing Corporation Board of Directors, we are committed to you, our brothers, from the past to the present and for the future. We love each one of you. We love Delta Theta. And we love Knox College. See you in the Fall.



Aaron “Tex” McEvoy


Δ Θ 992