Delta Theta Chapter of Sigma Nu President Aaron McEvoy announced the schedule for the Spring Homecoming taking place at Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, on May 14, 2022. As many know, the last two Homecomings in 2020 and 2021 were canceled because of the Covid Pandemic. Knox College is making up the canceled Homecomings this Spring on May 14th.

The schedule for Delta Theta Chapter is as follows. Please come to the Delta Theta House if you are in town for Homecoming. The House address is 556 South West Street. Lunch will be served at no charge to Alumni and Brothers.

Here’s the schedule:

11:30 a.m. Gather at Delta Theta, 556 South West Street, for our Group Picture

11:45 a.m. Group picture by Knox College Communications

12:00 p.m. Welcome and Snu-Handle

12:15 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. State of the House – Connor Uplegger, Commander

State of the Chapter – Aaron McEvoy, House Corporation President

Questions & Answers

2:00 p.m. Close

Love, Honor, Truth